Web Hosting

Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008


Apabila aku melihat sebidang tanaman rumput, aku hanya melihat kumpulan semak-semak yang hanya akan mengotori halaman rumahku.

Namun, anakku menganggapnya sebagai bunga untuk Mamanya, lalu meniup bulu-bulu tipis yang mengelilingi bunganya.

Apabila aku melihat pemabuk tua yang tersenyum kepadaku, aku membayangkannya sebagai orang yang jorok dan bau yang mungkin mengharap pemberian uang dariku. Kemudian aku pun menyingkir jauh-jauh darinya.

Namun, anakku melihatnya sebagai orang yang tersenyum kepadanya lalu ia membalas senyumnya.

Apabila aku mendengar musik yang kusukai, aku tahu aku tidak dapat mengikuti nada dan ritmenya. Jadi aku hanya duduk mendengarkan dengan asyik.

Namun, anakku dapat merasakan pukulan dan ketukannya lalu bergerak mengikuti iramanya. Ia juga melantunkan liriknya, dan bila tidak hapal ia mengarang sendiri syairnya.

Apabila aku merasakan hembusan angin di mukaku, aku segera mengambil sikap membelakanginya karena tiupannya hanya akan mengacaukan tatanan rambutku dan menahan laju langkahku.

Namun, anakku menutup matanya, mengembangkan kedua tangannya, lalu bergaya seakan ia terbang. Tidak lama kemudian terdengar suara tawanya mengiringi tubuhnya yang jatuh bergulingan.

Apabila aku berdoa, aku berkata, ”Tuhan berilah aku ini, karuniailah aku itu.”

Anakku berdoa, ”Tuhan, terima kasih, Engkau telah memberiku berbagai mainan dan mengenalkanku kepada banyak teman. Singkirkanlah mimpi buruk dariku malam ini. Maaf, aku belum ingin pergi ke Surga sekarang karena khawatir rindu kepada Mama dan Papaku.”

Apabila aku melihat kubangan lumpur, aku berjalan menghindarinya, terbayang olehku sepatu berlumpur dan karpet yang kotor.

Namun, anakku justru akan duduk di atasnya. Membayangkan bendungan, sungai yang harus diseberangi, dan cacing yang bisa diajak bermain.

Jadi, tidaklah mengherankan kalau kita diberi anak agar dapat mengajar kita, atau kita belajar darinya. Tidak aneh apabila Tuhan mencintai anak kecil.

Karena itu, nikmatilah hal-hal kecil dalam kehidupan ini, karena suatu saat nanti kau akan melihat ke belakang dan menyadari bahwa sesungguhnya semua itu penting.

By Author Unknown


http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

Niche Market Pay Per Click Advertising Should Be Your Priority

There are many forms of advertising nowadays. There’s popups and popunders, banner advertising, text ads, search engine optimization and pay per click search engine advertising. In every marketing plan, pay per click search engines is the foundation for every home based business owner.

Pay per click search engines work by allowing online advertisers the ability to bid a certain price for key words. The one that bids the highest gets their advertisement placed in the #1 position. When a customer does a search on that particular key word, then that amount is deducted from the advertiser’s account. The benefit to this type of advertising is that it is targeted. When businesses are more targeted, they get their message across to the right people. When the right people here the message, then the company saves money on their advertising costs. Traditional advertising would send out a message on hair growth for men to 100 people in which the message might only apply to 8 people in the audience. We have such a tremendous vehicle in advertising through pay per click search engines.

Small companies have taken it one stop further and have decided to offer niche-market pay per click search engines. This is an even more targeted audience. Instead of placing your pay per click ad on a general search engine, an advertiser can now place their home based business ad on a home based business search engine.


http://www.globaloo.com is an example of niche-market pay per click search engine. This is a business opportunity search engine that offers pay per click advertising to only business opportunity advertisers. To experience what a focused search engine has to offer, visit: http://www.globaloo.com

President and CEO http://globaloo.com niche market Business Opportunity search engine and directory.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_You

Kamis, 29 Mei 2008


Seorang laki-laki bersama anaknya yang berumur 10 tahun mendaki gunung. Anaknya berhenti karena ia tertarik pada batu yang berukuran sedang yang terletak di depannya.

”Ayah, bagaimana pendapatmu, mampukah aku menggeser batu itu?”

Ayahnya melihat batu itu lalu berkata, ”Ya, asal kau gunakan segenap kekuatanmu yang kau miliki, kau pasti mampu menggesernya.”

Si anak lalu memasang kuda-kuda dan mendorong batu itu dengan sekuat-kuatnya, tetapi batu itu bergeming.

”Ayah keliru, aku tidak bisa menggeser batu itu,” protes anaknya.

”Tidak Nak, aku tidak keliru. Aku tadi berkata bahwa kau dapat menggesernya bila menggunakan segenap kekuatan yang kau miliki. Namun, kau tidak menggunakan semua kekuatanmu; kau tidak meminta bantuanku.”

By Author Unknown


http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

Rabu, 28 Mei 2008

Making PPC Advertising Easy in 3 Ways

One of the most revolutionizing advertising instruments that online business people have nowadays is the Pay Per Click advertising method. It is a very simple yet effective method, which has a greater amount of potential in generating traffic and increasing traffic conversion in a little span of time. It may seem to be a little burden to business people to engage into Pay Per Click because a certain amount is being shelled out to make this mechanism work. Nonetheless, with the effectiveness and very end-product orientation of this, the amount that being shelled out is after all worth of every dollar.

• When engage in pay per click advertising, you have to know some secrets of meta tags and deeper understanding on the capabilities of search engines. By having these two things up on your head and become an expert in using these, then you are far greater to have success in using the pay per click advertising.

• Make sure that when you get into Pay Per Click the first time, the initial amount to be shelled out should not be exceeding. Try to test first some few keywords on your initial Pay per click advertisement. Learn to play and experiment with them. If you see that there is a good movement, then you can gradually increase your pay per click ads.

• Make sure, too, that you monitor and track the progress of each keyword on your pay per click ads. If you see that there are some keywords, which do not perform well, and better, then you can change or modify them at anytime replacing them with a more flexible and catchy keywords.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_R_Mize

Selasa, 27 Mei 2008


Saat aku berjalan, aku tidak sengaja menabrak seseorang yang tidak kukenal yang sedang lewat. Aku berkata, ”Maafkan aku.”

”Maafkan aku juga. Aku tidak melihatmu,” balasnya.

Kami saling bersikap sangat sopan. Kemudian kami saling mengucapkan selamat tinggal dan melanjutkan perjalanan.

Peristiwa diatas bila terjadi di rumah kita sendiri akan menjadi sangat berbeda. Renungkan bagaimana kita memperlakukan orang-orang yang kita cintai di rumah kita.

Masih di hari yang sama, malam itu aku memasak makan malam. Anak perempuanku diam-diam beridri di sebelahku. Ketika berbalik, aku hampir saja menabraknya.

“Menyingkirlah kau,” bentakku.

Ia pun pergi dengan membawa luka di hati. Aku tidak sadar betapa aku telah berkata sangat kasar kepadanya.

Malam itu ketika aku berbaring di tempat tidur, terdengar suara lembut Tuhan, ”Ketika berurusan dengan orang yang tidak kau kenal, kau bersikap sangat manis. Tapi terhadap anakmu sendiri kau telah berlaku kejam. Coba lihatlah di lantai dapur, kau akan mendapati beberapa kuntum bunga tergeletak di depan pintu. Itu adalah bunga yang akan diberikan kepadamu. Anakmu memetiknya sendiri; merah muda, kuning dan biru. Ia sengaja berdiri diam-diam didekatmu untuk memberikan kejutan. Kau bahkan tidak melihat matanya yang berkaca-kaca.”

Saat itu aku merasa sangat bersalah, dan air mataku mulai berjatuhan. Perlahan-lahan aku pergi ke kamarnya, lalu berlutut di dekat tempat tidurnya.

”Bangun, anak kecil, bangunlah,” kataku lembut. ”Apakah bunga-bunga ini kau petik untukku?”

Ia mengangguk sambil tersenyum, ”Aku melihatnya di luar di dekat pohon lalu memetiknya karena bunga-bunga ini cantik sepertimu. Aku tahu kau pasti menyukainya, terutama yang biru.”

”Anakku, aku sangat menyesal atas sikapku tadi. Tidak seharusnya aku bersikap sekasar itu,” kataku.

”Tidak apa-apa, Mama. Aku tetap mencintaimu.”

“Anakku, aku juga mencintaimu. Aku memang suka bunga-bunga itu, terutama yang bewarna biru.”

By Author Unknown


http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

Senin, 26 Mei 2008

Make Your Own Paid To Click Program

Can we make our own Paid To Click Program? How do we doit ? Do you know anything about affiliate program?

Affilate is the program where the webmaster will get pay for offering other people or company products or services., especially when the their website visitors purchasing a product or service from their website. But do you know that the affiliate program is not pay you just for selling their program?

Yes, some affiliate program has many system that can give us more revenue and give us change to make extra money without seling their products.

Do you know about "impression", "lead" and "clicks". Well the affiliate program use that terms to run their program, but not all website can use their program into their website. So many rule to follow especially for new website that dosn't have alot of traffics.

Type of commont payment system that affiliate program use:
They pay for impression
They pay for lead
They pay you for click

This is my own PTC on this blog.
I only want to show you one of my own PTC that no body know about it. I hope you can little bit understand what i am talking about. I joined an affiliate program (not famous one) they called their site Product Review. You will and maybe have seen it when you visited this blog http://highendprofile.blogspot.com. In coming article on that blog is Make Your Own "Adsense". I will write about it on my blog how do we make our own contextual ads.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Imed_Oni

Minggu, 25 Mei 2008


Suatu hari seorang ayah dari keluarga yang sangat kaya membawa anaknya ke desa untuk menunjukkan kepadanya kehidupan orang-orang miskin. Mereka tinggal beberapa hari di rumah seorang petani miskin. Sekembalinya dari desa, sang ayah bertanya kepada anaknya, “Bagaimana menurutmu perjalanan kita ini?”

“Hebat, Ayah,” kata anaknya.

“Apakah kau melihat bagaimana orang-orang miskin itu hidup?”


“Lalu pelajaran apa yang dapat kau ambil dari perjalanan itu?” Tanya ayahnya dengan bangga.

“Aku baru sadar bahwa kita punya dua anjing sedang mereka punya empat. Kita punya kolam renang yang luasnya sampai ke tengah kebun, sedang mereka mempunyai sungai yang tak memiliki ujung. Kita mengimpor lentera untuk kebun kita, mereka memiliki bintang-bintang di malam hari. Teras kita sampai ke halaman deopan, sedang mereka memiliki seluruh horizon. Kita memiliki tanah tempat tinggal yang kecil, mereka memiliki halaman sejauh mata memandang. Kita mempunyai pembantu-pembantu yang melayani kita, sedang mereka memberikan pelayanan kepada orang lain. Kita membeli makanan kita, mereka memetik sendiri makanan mereka. Kita memiliki pagar yang mengelilingi dan melindungi kekayaan kita, mereka memiliki teman yang melindungi mereka.”

Sampai di sini, sang ayah tak bisa berkata apa-apa. Kemudian anaknya menambahkan, “Ayah, terima kasih, engkau telah menunjukkan betapa miskinnya kita.”


Kita sering kali lupa pada segala yang kita miliki dan memusatkan perhatian hanya pada apa-apa yang tidak kita miliki.

Benda-benda yang tidak bernilai di mata kita bisa jadi merupakan barang berharga di mata orang lain. Semua itu tergantung pada perspektif seseorang. Bayangkan apa yang terjadi bila kita semua mensyukuri karunia yang telah kita peroleh daripada merasa gelisah karena menghendaki lebih banyak.

Nikmatilah segala yang telah kau miliki, perhatikan kekayaan (nilai) yang terkandung di dalamnya.

(Author Unknown)


http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Lucrative PPC Advertising - The Realities of Pay Per Click Publishing

Pay Per Click publishing is another online business that is beginning to capture massive audience. It may have not been accepted with confidence at first but with its convincing effectiveness and lesser drawbacks, it has now positioned itself to becoming one of the most profitable online businesses.

The aim or objective of the Pay Per Click -Publishing is to cover the strategy of producing content for the purposes of attracting (contextual or otherwise) advertising revenue on a Pay Per Click basis. This only means that with the Pay Per Click, one is capable of earning a profit on two ways. One is being the publisher, meaning you write the content of the article, publish it. And the other one is accepting other article writers to use your web site to publish their articles in exchange of an ad space on the article. So every click that the article gets is an amount equivalent for you.

So how does a pay per click publishing work?

For a start, you will have to create a keyword for your site. Afterwards, you can start bidding on your keyword. You may be caught up in the bidding that takes place for the top keywords. Or the otherwise, you may end up bidding for the lowest in the rank. This, of course, all depends on your capability to determine what is the best keyword to use.

Finding the best keyword and less expensive pay per click is not a matter of luck, though. You have to be very careful in building your keywords

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive traffic ‘Triple Your Traffic Fast'

Download it free here: Triple Your Traffic Fast

Download a free article marketing guide here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raymond_Nesa

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008


Tadi malam saya nonton film kartun Samurai X di tipi, si jahat Sisio berkata kira-kira begini : “ Aku sudah berjanji pada Kenshin dan aku tidak bisa mengingkarinya. Manusia yang terhormat adalah manusia yang memegang janjinya.”

Saya juga baca buku tentang prinsip hidup dan prinsip kerja Mafia Italia di Amerika, si mafia yang dalam buku tersebut menyebut dirinya ‘V’ juga mengeluarkan pendapatnya tentang janji : “Berikan janji dengan sepatah kata, penuhi janji dengan sekuat tenaga.”

Kalau mereka berdua yang jelas-jelas jahat saja sangat menghargai arti sebuah janji dan nilai sebuah integritas pribadi, bagaimana dengan kita yang merasa diri sebagai orang baik-baik ?????????


http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Initial Steps to Take When Doing PPC Advertising

Pay Per Click advertising or PPC ads is an evolving marketing technique that most business people used nowadays. Due to its massive capability to produce results by generating more traffic and increase the number of conversions, Pay Per Click advertising has become one of the most effective marketing tools. So, how does one make full utility of this effective tool then? I have cited below some of the ways on how you can ensure that have a Pay Per Click that works.

• It is mandatory that you create an individual landing page for each Pay Per Click campaigns that you have. This is done so that each page can contain the specific search terms that are popularly being used by a net user when he or she tries to search the net.

• Make an experimentation of the wordings on all your pay per click campaign materials. This is done to determine which arrangement of words can actually generate a lot better results.

• On your pay per click campaign materials, always include your call to action button or word box. By having these call to action boxes, you are directly inviting your visiting clients to click on the box.

• Refrain from using highly trademarked terms on your pay per click campaign. You are not supposed to be competing against the trademark of well-established trademarks, as your site will not be getting a favorable result.

• Since some of search engines offer the advertising of pay per click campaign materials with contextual programs, it is best that you take advantage of this privilege. Because thru this, you will be allowed to specifically determine the placement of your advertisement in terms of where it is going to be published.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_R_Mize

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008


by Tiffany Bradley

I can make you loved. I can make you hated it's all in your approach, I can start you off good, and finish you off great I can make the man say "I loved him he was great we'll accept him to our school." Or "thank you we'll hire you". I can even get you denied or fired, it's all up to you.


I can give you potential, I can get you ahead, I can make your day or I can destroy your day!


I come in many different languages, vogues, preppy, or plain, I am a reaction, a defense, an opinion, a charm, a characterization, and a first impression!


With all the many places I've been, and all the people that I've come across, I always manage to be the star that shines the most. I'm always the one though stand out before every other .I'm always the first thing noticed!


I can be kind and positive. I can be nasty and negative; It's all up to you and your approach on life. I am all these things above and more, but it's up to you to decide on how to manage me!



http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

How Pay Per Click Search Engines Work

Pay per click search engines are an effective way to attract cheap, targeted traffic to your website. The best and most popular pay per click search engines are Overture (GoTo) and FindWhat.

So, how do these sites work?

Advertisers bid on search result words and phrases. A Pay Per Click (also known as Pay Per Ranking, Pay Per Placement or Pay Per Position) search engine enables you to list your site at the top of the search results according to the keyword bid.

You list your website by selecting keywords that refer to your product or service. For each keyword you determine how much you are willing to spend. The higher you bid, the higher you will appear in the search results.

In pay per click search engine, you only pay for clicks or click throughs to your web site. Pay-per-click search engines play an important role in driving traffic to your site because you only pay for actual clicks. It is risk free and a cheaper alternative to listing with the bigger search engines.

Before you do anything with pay per clicks, you might want to learn more on Pay Per Click Search Engine Theory:


A few other helpful sites:


This is a good site that is full of information and links related to pay-per-click search engines, including Overture.


This is a site that lets you see, in real-time, what it will cost to bid for particular keywords on a number of the major pay-per-click search engines

Here is my favorite Pay Per Click Search Engine:

- Google adwords
- Overture

Go to Payperclickanalyst to check out other good Pay Per Click Search Engines or check the resource section for other alternatives.

By: Anne Ahira
Editor The BEST Affiliate Newsletter

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_Ahira

Senin, 19 Mei 2008


Hanya hari ini aku berkesempatan untuk mengatakan yang baik-baik saja. Tak berucap kotor dan jorok yang menjijikkan, tidak akan pernah mencela, menghardik dan juga membicarakan kejelekan orang lain. Hanya hari ini aku berkesempatan menertibkan rumah dan kantor agar tidak semrawut dan berantakan. Dan karena hanya hari ini saja aku akan hidup, maka aku akan memperhatikan kebersihan tubuhku, kerapian penampilanku, kebaikan tutur kata dan tindak tandukku.

Wahai masa lalu yang telah berlalu dan selesai, tenggelamlah seperti mataharimu. Aku tak akan pernah menangisi kepergianmu, dan kamu tidak akan pernah melihatku termenung sedetikpun untuk mengingatmu. Kamu telah meninggalkan kami semua, pergi dan tak pernah kembali lagi.

Wahai masa depan, engkau masih dalam kegaiban. Maka, aku tidak akan pernah bermain dengan khayalan dan menjual diri hanya untuk sebuah dugaan. Aku pun tak bakal memburu sesuatu yang belum tentu ada, karena esok hari mungkin tak ada sesuatu. Esok hari adalah sesuatu yang belum diciptakan dan tidak ada satupun darinya yang dapat disebutkan.

DR. “Aidh Al-Qarni

“Jangan pernah mencemaskan hari esok; besok mungkin kamu mendapatkan rejeki nomplok sejuta dolar atau dilindas sebuah truk, mungkin juga kamu mendapatkan rejeki nomplok sejuta dolar dan dilindas sebuah truk.” Mafia Italia


http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

Minggu, 18 Mei 2008

Free Google Ads

Having done, and still doing this, does not make me an expert, but I can and do share with you that pay perclick ads work and I do not pay for them. Anyone who has been involved in the Internet, no matter what the involvement level has seen the volumes of sales letters expounding the value of the "best pay per click, program to come out. I am going to try and share with you what I have come to find out is pretty darn good, pay per click program if not the best. Every Internet marketing professional, rookie and want to be has a pay per click method to get rich making money on the Internet. A lot of the marketers have learned that we like to make it fast and free whenever possible. I am an subscriber to a newsletter of a person who actually knows what he is doing and made a lot of money doing it. I am skeptical of 99% of pay per click sale pitches coming down the pike especially the sales page for Get Goggle Pay-Per-Click Ads Free. Promise ultimate supreme riches, with little or no time and/or money required.

What I have come to realize over the years is this. Yes they have made all lot of money using the pay per click program they are trying to sell me. Yes they will make more money when they sell the pay per click e-book/program to me BUT, I can and will also make m money using the same pay per click information. Plus the fact that I do not have to re-invent the wheel. They did and fixed all of the parts that were broken.

For any course or ebook that is trying to sell me something needs to be on the level of See Spot Run. Why? Because everyone who wants to buy, and/or does buy an ebook on pay per click, may not be a seasoned professional and/or very experienced. The book/course needs to be broken up into as many parts as are required to effectively explain the pay per click method being taught.

Getting Goggle Pay-Per-Click Ads Free, can be simple and quick.It must set secret laid out in the open. There needs to be a building of a valid list of keywords. There needs to be a section on how to make money, with out spending any money. After all getting ads and for free, should be free. The book and/or course should show how to refine a list for maximum effectiveness. The concept and premise should be able to pass the cookie cutter program. That is it should be very very easy to repeat, with success.

I have attempted to share a brief and hopefully concise synopsis of a pay per click program; I feel is a very great help especially for those that are not very proficient with things like this. I am not a big time Internet pay per click professional, my opinions are just that, opinions. Nor am I an expert on Goggle, or the pay per click programs. However, I do know what works for me, and does not work. This works.

Walter L. Scheu, Sr., Th. D. writes reviews for articles and product reviews for things I have used in the past, am currently using, and shall continue to use. . It is hope that you found this articles interesting. Please click on the link for more detailed information.


Thank you very much for your time and interest in my article

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Walter_Scheu

Sabtu, 17 Mei 2008


Sepasang suami istri yang telah menikah selama 11 tahun akhirnya dikaruniai anak pertama. Keduanya saling mencintai dan anak itu adalah buah hati kesayangan mereka.

Suatu hari, ketika si anak telah berumur dua tahun, sang suami melihat botol obat terbuka. Karena takut terlambat, ia berpesan kepada istrinya agar menutup botol obat itu dan menyimpannya di lemari.

Istrinya yang sedang sibuk di dapur sama sekali lupa dengan pesan suaminya. Anaknya yang sedang bermain-main melihat botol obat itu, lalu menghampirinya. Merasa tertarik dengan warna obat yang ada di dalamnya, ia lalu meminum semuanya. Obat dengan dosis tinggi untuk orang orang dewasa itu membuat si anak tidak sadarkan diri. Ibunya segera membawanya ke rumah sakit. Namun nyawa anak itu tidak tertolong.

Sang istri terguncang melihat kejadian itu dan merasa takut menghadapi suaminya. Tak lama kemudian suaminya datang ke rumah sakit melihat jasad anaknya. Ia menatap wajah istrinya lalu berkata, ”Aku cinta kepadamu, sayang!”

Ucapan tak disangka-sangka dari suaminya ini merupakan sikap proaktif. Anak itu sudah mati. Ia tidak dapat dihidupkan lagi. Tidak ada gunanya mencari-cari kesalahan istrinya. Disamping itu, kalau saja ia mau menyempatkan diri menutup botol obat itu, tentu kejadian ini bisa dihindarkan.

Tidak ada seorang pun yang harus disalahkan. Istrinya telah kehilangan anak satu-satunya. Yang ia butuhkan sekarang adalah hiburan dan ucapan simpati dari suaminya.

Jika setiap orang melihat kehidupan dari perspektif ini, maka berbagai persoalan di dunia menjadi ringan. Karena itu, tanggalkanlah sifat iri hati, cemburu, sikap tidak pemaaf, egoisme dan kecemasan, niscaya kau akan mendapati segala sesuatu itu tidak sesulit yang kau bayangkan.

Hubungan yang sukses membutuhkan seseorang untuk jatuh cinta berkali-kali kepada orang yang sama.

(Author Unknown)


http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

Adword Tip

AdWords is Google pay-per-click advertising program. It is similar to other pay-per-click advertising programs. Using pay per click traffic is almost necessary if you want highly targeted traffic on your site. But,this form of traffic does not work for all niches and businesses. However, succeeding with pay per click traffic is not as easy as just putting up an ad and sending traffic to your index site. Too many people are getting a Google Adwords account and expecting to get a lot of traffic to the new website. They are then completely confused when this does not happen.There are lots of things involved such as your ad, competition, the landing page, keywords and how much you are paying.

Google has a unique system of ranking pay per click ads that allows you to be on the top even if you are paying the least per click. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they launch a pay per click campaign is that they get cheap in the beginning and try to start slow. I did it too.You need to spend the most in the beginning. Find an affiliate program like site build it or something you know convert and sell really well.Go in with a bang.

1. No results, find out early and get out . Do not waste money or precious time.

2. Spend the most on pay per click in the beginning. Why?

If you spend the most on click in the beginning, that is the only way you can convince Google to put you on the top. You have no click through record, so you have to make up for that by spending more. By spending the most in the beginning, you will get your ad on the front page and get quick exposure. This way you will quickly build up your click through record and can immediately start decreasing your cost per click without losing your spot.

Make sure to actively monitor your adwords account. and make sure you set your daily limit to something you can afford losing.You would be surprised how quickly Google can eat up your money. Now you have tip on how to quickly take over a niche in Google. The higher you are the more people will see your ad and hopefully bring you sales or visitors.

Katarina Bader

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katarina_Bader

Kamis, 15 Mei 2008


Seorang anak bertanya kepada ayahnya, “Ayah, berapa banyak penghasilanmu dalam satu jam?”

Mendengar pertanyaan ini sang ayah justru marah lalu berkata dengan kasar, “Jangan ganggu aku!”

Sang ayah baru saja pulang kerja dalam keadaan capai dan wajah muram. Namun, anaknya bersikeras dengan pertanyaannya, “Ayah tolong jawab, berapa penghasilanmu dalam satu jam?”

Dengan suaranya yang seakan dipaksakan ayahnya menjawab, “Delapan dolar satu jam.”

“Ayah, boleh tidak aku pinjam 4 dolar?”

“Ayah sudah berkata, jangan ganggu ayah! Diam dan pergilah ke kamarmu!” bentak ayahnya.

Memasuki saat tidur malam, sang ayah sudah merasa agak tenang. Ia menyesali perlakuannya tadi, lalu pergi menuju kamar anaknya.

”Kau sudah tidur?” tanya ayahnya.

Ia lalu memberi anaknya 4 dolar yang tadi hendak dipinjamnya. Anaknya mengucapkan terima kasih, lalu ia mengambil sesuatu dari bawah bantalnya yang ternyata uang sejumlah 4 dolar yang tampak kusut.

“Sekarang aku punya 8 dolar! Ayah, bolehkah aku membeli sejam saja dari waktumu?”

By Author Unknown


Kadangkala seorang ayah hanya berpikir bahwa dengan memenuhi kebutuhan materi keluarganya, ia sudah merasa memenuhi segala tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang ayah. Padahal seorang anak butuh sesuatu yang lebih berharga daripada uang. Seorang anak butuh perhatian dan kasih sayang secara nyata dari ayahnya.

Sudahkah Anda meluangkan waktu untuk menemani anak Anda?


http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

Rabu, 14 Mei 2008

A Guide To PPC

Pay per click (PPC) is a search engine used to promote web sites on the Internet. These search engines allow you to bid for a special position on their result pages, and you pay a certain amount every time someone clicks on your listing. There are three major Pay Per Click search engines - Overture, Espotting/FindWhat and Kanoodle.

Overture has listings appearing on Yahoo, Lycos, AltaVista, InfoSpace, MSN Search and many other smaller sites. Its "Content Match" program displays listings along with relevant articles, products, etc. It is the largest PPC search engine in the world. Espotting pay per clic search engine is the biggest in Europe and listings appear on the European versions of Yahoo, Lycos, Askjeeves, AllTheWeb and other European search engines. Kanoodle is the smallest of the three, but still larger than other pay per click search engines with 14,000 customers. You can test their search engine for free.

In order to know if PPC is working for you, you have to monitor your bids. It can get quite expensive, as a customer is charged every time someone clicks on his or her listing. If that someone doesn?t become a customer, the fees for the PPC account holder mount up.

Make sure that you know what you are paying "per click," and that you are getting returns on your investment.

Business.com, Enhance Interactive, e-Pilot are other PPC advertising programs that are popular, and shopping search engines hare becoming very popular consumer destinations. A good merchant program can be found at Shopping.com that charges anywhere from 15 cents to 50 cents per click. You create and upload your products. Bizrate allows merchants to bid on top rankings using a variation on the fixed bidding scheme.

PPC provides detailed information on PPC, PPC Search Engine, PPC Management, PPC Advertising and more. PPC is affiliated with Targeted PPC Advertising.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Gluckman

Senin, 12 Mei 2008


Seorang profesional adalah orang yang menyadari betul arah kemana ia menjurus, mengapa ia menempuh jalan itu, dan bagaimana caranya ia harus menuju sasarannya. Ia menyenangi pekerjaannya karena ia bisa mengerjakannya dengan baik. Ia mengerjakannya dengan baik oleh karena ia menyenangi pekerjaan itu. Seorang profesional adalah seorang yang senantiasa siap siaga dengan gagasan bila diperlukan, ditambah dengan selusin gagasan lainnya sekalipun tidak ada orang yang meminta daripadanya. Ia adalah seorang yang mau bekerja keras untuk mencapai tujuannya, dan tetap juga tidak kehilangan semangat kerja keras itu dalam tugasnya.

Seorang professional adalah seseorang yang gairah kerjanya sangat mengagumkan. Ia adalah seorang yang realistis, yang menyadari kemungkinannya membuat kesalahan. Akan tetapi ia cukup bijaksana pula untuk tidak membuat kesalahan yang sama sampai dua kali.

Seorang profesional adalah orang yang cukup jujur mengakui kegagalannya, tetapi juga mampu mengatasi rasa putus asanya, dan cukup tabah untuk mencoba lagi usahanya sampai berulang kali. Ia memiliki kemampuan untuk membedakan mana yang penting dan mana yang tidak penting. Akan tetapi cukup bijaksana untuk menanggulangi segala kesulitan yang timbul.

Seorang profesional adalah seorang tukang khayal. Sekalipun angan-angannya melambung tinggi, tetapi kakinya harus tetap berpijak di atas tanah. Ia memperhatikan sampai soal-soal yang kecil, akan tetapi menolak soal-soal kecil itu mempengaruhi pikirannya sehingga menjadi cemas. Ia tahu caranya memimpin tanpa bertindak sebagai diktator, tetapi tahu pula mengikuti tanpa kehilangan kewibawaannya. Pada saat ia memimpin, ia memperkembangkan bibit-bibit kepemimpinan kepada bawahannya; sedangkan pada saat ia bekerja, ia memperlihatkan contoh bekerja yang baik bagi bawahannya. Ia tidak menunggu sampai ada orang lain mendorong dia melakukan sesuatu, sebab ia tahu mengambil prakarsa sendiri.

Seorang profesional itu penuh daya cipta, tetapi tidak eksentrik. Ia berani mencoba sesuatu, tetapi tidak pula sembrono. Ia mengabdikan diri penuh, tetapi tidak pula fanatik.

Seorang profesional adalah seorang yang senantiasa merampungkan pekerjaannya sampai berhasil.

Berbahagialah kita memiliki jiwa semacam itu !


http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

7 Best Ways to PPC Advertising

Though the majority SEO corporations give Pay Per Click services less importance, but pay per click advertising has proved to be of great importance. SEO optimizes the web site so as to capitalize on natural ranking by a search engine for about ten to fifteen keywords while PPC offers more instant outcomes by guaranteeing your web site emerges on the first page of results for every pertinent search. Pay per click advertising drives great traffic to your web site and promises great returns. Here are seven best ways to pay per click advertising

1. Design your advertisement for conversions not for clicks. This means that click is just a visit to your web site but your advertisement is a success when a visitor downloads or buys something from your web site.

2. Your pay per click advertisement should be able to target the right consumers.

3. Choose your keywords with care. The finest way to attain success at the pay per click search engines is to bid on targeted keywords. It is always more costly to buy popular keywords so you can go for some variations of the keywords.

4. The title and description of your ad should be made with great care. It should be designed such that only a possible consumer clicks your ad.

5. Make your ad attractive for the consumer. Add alluring offers in your ad to attract the probable consumer.

6. The ad you put should be clear enough to define your product. It should make sure that the right consumer clicks on it.

7. It is very important to balance the per click cost against the monetary gain of extra clicks.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive traffic ‘Triple Your Traffic Fast'

Download it free here: Triple Your Traffic Fast

Download a free article marketing guide here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raymond_Nesa

Jumat, 09 Mei 2008



(proses menjadi seorang pribadi)

By Carl Rogers

Sewaktu saya diperbolehkan mulai memahami orang lain, hal itu ternyata merupakan hal yang amat bernilai. Caraku merumuskannya mungkin kedengaran aneh bagi Anda. Perlukah memperbolehkan atau mengizinkan diri sendiri untuk memahami orang lain? Ya, perlu. Reaksi kita atas kebanyakan pernyataan (yang diucapkan orang lain) adalah evaluasi ataupun penilaian, dan bukan pemahaman. Sewaktu seseorang mengutarakan perasaan, sikap, atau keyakinannya, kecenderungan kita umumnya adalah langsung merasa “itu benar”, “itu bodoh”, “tidak normal”, “tak masuk akal”, “salah”, “tidak bagus”. Amat jarang kita mengizinkan diri kita sendiri untuk MEMAHAMI maksud pernyataan orang lain itu secara persis.

Dating yg lebih HOT!! Khusus 18 thn ke atas: http://adultfriendfinder.com/go/g962538

http://dinatips.blogspot.com (tips-tips cantik dr saya)

http://dianlove.blogspot.com (Forex Trading)

Pay Per Click Advertising - What is it?

Pay Per Click Advertising are affiliate program scripts either set up on a website or search engines that count the number of click thru’s YOU either send or receive.

A perfect example of a pay per click program is Google Adwords. Google Adwords are the advertisements you see on the right hand side when you search the google search engine for your specific keywords.

These are called “sponsored links”.

What happens is, a business set’s up a Google Adwords account, sets up their heading and advertisement, enters the keywords that they want their ad shown for when those keywords are entered into the Google search engine, set their bid price and a way they go!

For placing the business owners specific ad on the Google website, Google then gets a nice little profit for every web surfer that clicks thru on the business owners ad.

Some website owners also set up these type of Pay Per Click Advertising on their websites.

This can sometimes be a cheaper alternative to paying for traffic from Google Adwords. Usually these types of websites pay around 0.01 cent to 0.10 cents per click that you send them.

If you would like to run a pay per click advertisement program on your website to drive in cheap traffic you can pick up scripts that you can load to your website fairly cheaply. Just type into the Google search engine “pay per click script”.

I’ve seen some come as cheap as $37!

Internet Marketing SEO Get 100 Visitors to Your Website Everyday Easily & Quickly with “My MSN SEO Secrets”. Go directly to: http://www.msnseosecrets.com

Rabu, 07 Mei 2008


Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.

Senin, 05 Mei 2008


Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.


Forex Trading Education Saves Blunders

Bina kehidupan Anda sendiri. Lakukanlah apa-apa yang berguna bagi Anda sendiri dan sesama manusia. Jangan bergantung pada siapa pun dan apa pun. Berdirilah di atas kaki sendiri. Anda bisa berbuat ini asal saja Anda mau mencarinya dan mau mengikuti sistem sukses Anda sendiri.

Jangan bergantung pada siapapun, ambillah apa saja yang berguna dari manapun. Dan semua ini dimulai dari dalam diri sendiri, yakni sikap mental yang tepat terhadap sesama manusia, terhadap tempat-tempat, benda-benda, pengetahuan-pengetahuan, adat-istiadat, kepercayaan...

Singkatnya punyailah semua itu atau itu dipunyai oleh lain.

Masa depan Anda terletak di belakang Anda, karena tertutup oleh dinding yang tak terlihat yang telah Anda bina sendiri dengan kuatnya dalam diri sendiri sehingga mencegah gagasan yang bersinar dapat menembus dinding itu?

Mungkin itu yang menjadi sebabnya...tetapi mungkin juga bukan. Dobrak dinding-dinding yang tak terlihat ini bila memang ada.”


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